City Services, News

Let the chaos begin

Traffic at Warden and Kingston Road - 8:30am

Morning rush hour

Well the cones are up and the chaos has started.

Get used to it from now until October.

Crews were out marking Kingston Road for utility lines on a chilly Tuesday morning as traffic was forced into single lanes east and west from two lanes.

At about 8.30 a.m. it was tolerable but it will get worse during peak hours and the surrounding neighbourhood can expect to see more than the usual traffic as drivers look for escape.

The actual cutting of the pavement is expected to start at Birchmount and around Audrey Ave on Wednesday.

~ Ian Harvey

Traffic at Warden and Kingston Road - 6:00pm

Afternoon rush hour

At 6:00 p.m. traffic was still reasonable but slow for commuters heading to points east from downtown.

At first glance it appears as though one issue will be eastbound drivers making a left turn onto streets such as Manderly, Kalmar, Eastwood etc.

Because there’s only one lane, traffic backs up while everybody waits for the left turn to be completed.

Ian’s prediction about neighbourhood streets feeling the impact seems to be be coming true already.

Traffic was heavier tonight eastbound on Hollis, no doubt due to drivers who’ve already figured out the shortcut.

~ Hedy Korbee

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